Tennessee Fainting Goat
The goats of this breed have a host of names: Myotonic, Tennessee Fainting, Tennessee Meat, Texas Wooden Leg, Stiff, Nervous,
and Scare goats. The names refer to a breed characteristic known as myotonia congenita, a condition in which the muscle cells
experience prolonged contraction when the goat is startled. The transitory stiffness associated with these contractions can
cause the goat to fall down. This is not a true faint, but a muscular phenomenon unrelated to the nervous system. The degree
of stiffness varies from goat to goat, with some showing a consistently stiff response and others exhibiting stiffness only
The breed's history can be traced back to the 1880s. An itinerant farm laborer named John Tinsley came to central Tennessee,
reputedly from Nova Scotia. Tinsley had with him four unusual, stiff goats. Goats of this type gradually became known across
the region. They were less apt to climb fences and escape from pastures than other goats, and their muscular conformation
and high reproductive rate were also valued. Farmers began to appreciate them, and the numbers of "stiff," "nervous," or "fainting"
goats increased. During the 1950s, some Tennessee Fainting goats were taken to the hill country of central Texas. They were
further selected for meat qualities, including larger size, and came to be known as "Wooden Leg" goats.
In the late 1980s, both the Tennessee and Texas branches of this breed were rediscovered. The new enthusiasm for the goats
diverged into two major endeavors. One group of breeders worked in the historic tradition, emphasizing the meat qualities
of the animals and selecting for growth rate, conformation, and reproductive efficiency. The other group selected for extreme
stiffness and small size, promoting the breed as a novelty animal.
As a landrace breed, Tennessee Fainting goats were always variable in size. This variability, emphasized by recent selection,
has given rise to a population which ranges in weight from 60-175 pounds. Heavily muscled conformation is consistent among
the goats. The ears of Tennessee goats are larger and more horizontal than Swiss breed goats, but smaller and less drooping
than Nubian or Spanish goats. The facial profile is usually concave. Most goats are horned, and horns vary from large and
twisted to small and simple. While most of the goats have short hair, long haired goats are not unusual and some animals produce
Tennessee Fainting goats are found in almost all colors known in goats. Kidding season is always exciting, as new color
combinations pop up. Since does like to keep their kids hidden for a few days, looking for these multicolored kids can be
like hunting Easter eggs. Does are prolific, with an extended breeding season, and some does will bear kids every six months.
Most does produce twins or triplets regularly and have plenty of milk to raise them.
The Tennessee Fainting goat breed is gaining attention for its combination of meat traits with reproductive efficiency,
and it is increasingly recognized as an important genetic resource in the United States. Goats are being used both as purebreds
and for crossing with other breeds, especially the Boer goat, a recent import from South Africa. While crossbreeding can demonstrate
the genetic value of the Tennessee Fainting goat, overuse of purebred does for crossing would threaten the survival of this
unique and important American goat breed. It is a high conservation priority.
Status: Rare
To learn more about Fainting Goats standards, breeders and history check out the link below